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Gloria Sawin Fine Jewelry

Pendant, Rutilated Quartz Point in Sterling


Gloria Sawin Fine Jewelry

Pendant, Rutilated Quartz Point in Sterling


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Rutilated Quartz Point in Sterling

Are You looking for Something Modern and Versatile?

A crystal within a Crystal!

Large Lobster Claw allows you to attach to beads, or chains.

Like a diamond in the rough, Rutilated quartz was long disregarded by miners and mineral sorters as worthless. Only pure quartz was viewed as valuable and so this variety was seen as tainted.

Around the middle of the 20th century, however, this began to change. Fashion designers and collectors began to appreciate the ethereal beauty of rutilated quartz, sometimes likening its shimmering rutile threads to angel’s hair.

While the quartz in rutilated quartz can be either smoky or clear and sometimes even black, the color of the rutile inclusions will depend on their iron oxide content. When the iron oxide in rutile quartz is high, the inclusions take on redder and often golden tones. Such inclusions can look like hay or strands of golden hair. This is why golden rutilated quartz is often referred to as angel’s hair quartz

Shown here on Wish Bone Hand Made Chain Sold Separately.

Handmade in Santa Fe, NM since 1987.